No AI was used in any research, creative decisions or editing decisions
that went into the writing of the following.
I've mentioned elsewhere that neutrals are butt ugly if you don't actually
remember hearing that just go back and listen to my videos,
podcast episodes, read my other
articles depending on what platform you're seeing or hearing me on. But that
being said they are, and I just wanted to illustrate the true power of a good colorful paint job with so many
“renter friendly” or “rental friendly” hacks out there. There is no substitute for bright, bold color on
the walls. There just isn't. I have walked into homeowners homes, not known 100% for a fact that they were
homeowners just kind of thought they were until I walk into their house and there is with white
on the wall and my first thought is that they’re a renter.
I start assuming automatically, if I see beige, if I see white, if I see
off white if I see anything other than a definitive color that is either
on the warmer or the cooler part of the color spectrum, that that person is
a renter, period. If I know for a fact they're a homeowner, my first
thought is why the heck would you want to have your house looking like
it's a rental rather than something you own if you are a homeowner, and
take the chance to set yourself apart from that.
When I see people trying to suggest that neutrals are such a high end or upscale
thing to use, I actually hear that and end up thinking why would you actually want
to have as a mark of wealth? Your status as someone who owns their house called
into question? And I'm sorry, but you are going to get exactly that reaction.
There's a guy I knew for a few years he had a good job. He's a really smart
guy. He and I were both on a zoom call at the same time with a bunch of other
people we both knew. And when I saw him on camera with a white wall in the
background, and this was not a zoom thing where you blur out the area or something
like that, this was a white wall in the background, that was the first time
ever occurred to me he might not be a homeowner.
This is the true power of having color on your walls and you are not going to get
away with it by painting things gray or earthtone.
Among the things I sell are wallpaper
and different things that you can use to add
color into a space and I'm telling you as a person who could use this as a chance to sell you on every
possible thing I have that you can use to decorate your home. I am still telling you that on your walls
there is no substitute for paint and colorful paint at that. There just isn't if you want to make your
space look stellar.
And this is also true if you want to make your space look like you are a homeowner, not a renter.
For everyone out there worried about “it's not trendy” or “it's not stylish” I have news for you.
It's not unprecedented that people who don't have the average person's best interests at h
eart will actually manipulate what is trending on social media, or search engine results.
There is a verified agenda that the average person will own nothing. Whenever I look on
YouTube for information on how to organize, not declutter, organize and a disturbingly
large portion of what's out there seems to be all about getting rid of your things and all
about not having your things and all about not keeping your things. Organizing needs to
be about keeping your things and keeping them in an orderly manner.
Look, am I saying the fact that the algorithm might be a little more favorable when the
organizing channels and lifestyle channels go the declutter route is a conspiracy? Absolutely
not. I'm not saying that it is a conspiracy. I'm just saying. It looks and stinks exactly like one.
Am I saying that people having white walls as a trend is a conspiracy? No, I'm not saying that
at all. I might be saying that I find it interesting that as people have a little bit of an
agenda to separate everybody from everything they own there's definitely a certain tendency
to move people towards a renters color palette.
Now, could this be just all a lot of ugly design choices and a lot of really ugly coincidences? Yeah,
it's entirely possible but I'm definitely not saying that it's a conspiracy for certain.
What I am saying is that I don't think trends should be considered a trustworthy source of what looks good.
As I am talking to you about anything to do with decoration or design I hope everyone here will
understand I'm going to always try to come from a place of principle, not from a place of
trend, and I'm going to try to do that as much as possible with everything I'm doing. Because
put simply trendy has become the new cookie cutter, and I want people to be able to actually make
choices that will help their lives and their spaces reflect who they really are not who everybody
on social media is telling everybody else to be.
�2012-present E. S. Pfahl. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means - - graphic electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, information storage and retrieval systems - - without written permission of
E. S. Pfahl