
Relaxing Back Into the Creative Process

Something that’s started to happen to me since early sometime in 2021 and going forward into when I wrote this article in 2022 is that while I still do the same artwork a person finds here on espdigiart.com, and similar works I got a reminder of sorts about how important just enjoying the creative process is.

A few years ago I would have said that was probably stupid advice after all I need to be focused on the arta that ideally would be selling like hotcakes rather, but that’s what got me as far and as skilled as I am is the raw just having fun. Okay kid can’t stop drawing on their worksheets in school because being there just plain sucked, but the thing is I was enjoying it after I got home, and my favorite subject in school was art. At least when it was about the actual creative process and not just looking at what other artists have done. I’m sure there is something valuable to that which was lost on me as a teenager, but I’m also sure that my main interest was in the creation of the art.

Finally it was advice I took without meaning to and while I know probably most people looking at what I am making might not care how much fun I had making it, relearning to relax into the creative process and do pictures I fully intend to keep to myself (well maybe my friends will see them) was something that caused me to a couple of things.

First of all being less inhibited about trying new things with my art, techniques I had never tried before being the obvious example, and this is spilling over into artworka that I am considering for NFT and for showing here on espdigiart.com

It caused me to be able to create the drawings I do hoping for more than just fun with less difficulty.

Now am I saying I want to stop what I am doing here? Not a chance, I’m actually saying that it’s made the art I’m doing here something that’s easier for me when I do create. Even though it never stopped being fun I feel like it took some pressure off something about what I am doing.

While we have probably all heard people say if you want your art to be more than a hobby you need to treat it like more than a hobby (I’m not the person to say much about that) I can say that doing some of my art just for fun with no other motivation again has been helpful, because while it never stopped being fun I can definitely see how it could drain someone to create endlessly without ever getting back into that space once and awhile. While I don’t know how long this will last, or if it’s going to be on and off or just what the situation will be it’s definitely been a fun twist in my life, and my art.

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