
Coloring Barn

In January 2022 I ended up having some things happen in my personal life that brought it to my attention that I should probably plan on doing my second coloring book this year (2022). Prior to that I had expected my next one might be 2023 or 2024 and that it would be a completely different theme. So I shelved that idea, for maybe a week or two after which as I was looking through the artwork I have on hand (still January 2022) I realized it was not only going to be this year, but it was going to be this book.

Shocked as I was in Early March 2022 I managed to publish the Coloring Barn, which as anyone reading this might guess from the name, and the cover features several species of barn yard animals.

The animals these outlines are based on are all real animals that I have actually met in the flesh. If any of the animals you see there look familiar then don't be surprised, because there is an overlap (and might be a bigger overlap at some point in the future) between the animals featured in Coloring Barn and some of the animals that I have done artwork based here on espdigiart.com, and even sell various items featuring in my shop.

book cover

�2012-present E. S. Pfahl. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means - - graphic electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, information storage and retrieval systems - - without written permission of E. S. Pfahl